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  • What happens if I come for the first session- Initial Counselling Assessment and I don't want to come again?
  • How many sessions do I need to have?
  • When can I have a session?
  • Can clients contact a therapist in between sessions?
  • Are sessions confidential?
  • Is there disabled access?
There is absolutely no pressure to continue having therapy if you come for the Initial Counselling Assessment you may decide that either I am not the right therapist for you or that you are not ready to seek therapy just yet, and that's okay. The first session is a 'get to know you' session for us both and is relaxed. The session is simply an opportunity for us both to see if we want to work together, for you to ask any questions you might have and to work out if therapy is what you are really looking for.
Counselling can be both short term and long term depending on your reasons for seeking therapy. If you are seeking help and guidance with changing thoughts or behaviours, a minimum of twelve sessions (short term therapy) might be suggested whereas if you are seeking support with more complex relational or trauma based experiences a suggestion of twenty sessions plus (longer term therapy) might be more useful. The number of sessions can be reviewed on an ongoing basis, can be open-ended and is in no way fixed or binding as clients can choose to end session at any time.
Clients can arrange suitable times and dates for sessions with myself via a phone call, text or email.
Contact in between sessions is not out of the question and may be contractually agreed between us. Generally though, contact between sessions is not encouraged to protect the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship.
All sessions are confidential except in the following circumstances:
  • In the event that there is risk of harm to the client or others (in these circumstances the client may be referred to their General Practitioner, Social Services or Mental Health Crisis Team if deemed necessary)
  • If requested by a court of law (in cases of legal proceedings, I may be requested by a Court to present clinical notes. I must comply with any request from a court of law).
  • In Clinical supervision - I have a Clinical supervisor who supports me as a therapist, if/ where I may discuss your case, I ensure your anonymity is maintained.
Unfortunately there's no disability access, as I am based on the second floor.