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Working with Children and Young People (C&YP)

Life can present children and young people with difficulties due to an ever-growing number of particular challenges. The recent pandemic, cognitively, developmentally and the emotional impacts from the pressures of school life, to relationships, the development of their identity, to the attraction of the internet; there are all kinds of pressures to deal with.

Reasons for Children and Young People to seek therapy may include:

    • Generalised/Health/Social anxieties
    • Identity
    • Emotional/behaviour issues
    • Low self-esteem/confidence
    • Depression
    • Bereavement/Grief/Self-harm/Suicidal thoughts
    • Trauma
    • Sexuality
    • Friendship/Family - relationship issues

As a skilled therapist I can present a playful and restorative way in engaging with those difficulties which at the time seem overwhelming for C&YP. By providing a framework for understanding the deeper levels of issues and difficulties being caused, I can support the processes of individuation and personal growth.

Whilst working with children, young people and parents/carers I offer a form of systemic ways of working alongside the individual (C&YP) and referrer (parent/carer). So that there is some shared thinking around the presenting difficulties and the parental understanding including responses to the child/young person.

However, this will be discussed within the initial counselling assessment, as it is depending on C&YP presentation and difficulties.

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Services I Offer

Individual Therapy

Counselling & Psychotherapy is aimed at personal growth and development. Therapy will provide you with professional support when you feel low, anxious or stressed, and it can guide you along a path of positive change...

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Couple Therapy

Through learning how to better meet each other's needs, partners will create emotional safety in the couple; conflicts will be addressed at the roots and the communication between partners will improve....

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Working with Children & Young People

Life can present children and young people with difficulties due to an ever-growing number of particular challenges. As a skilled therapist I can present a playful and restorative way in engaging with those difficulties...

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Group Therapy

Group therapy typically involves a small group of people (between six - 12) and a therapist. On the whole normally there is a nature of concern which already exists within groups...

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Online Therapy

Online therapy has become a new way of doing therapy and even though I have offered this service prior to the pandemic, it can be a useful tool for almost everyone...

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Cancellations Policy

If you need to cancel or rearrange a session, please contact me at least 24 hours before your appointment. If we begin working together, there is a cancellation policy in place.

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